Results for 'Kadek Yati Fitria Dewi'

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  1.  12
    The Role of Parents in Religious Moderation Education in Border Areas: A Case Study at MIS Nurul Yaqin Sijang.Purniadi Putra, Dwi Septiwiharti, Agustan, Rinovian, Kadek Yati Fitria Dewi & Abdul Hafiz - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:831-837.
    Religious moderation education plays a crucial role in shaping the character of children in the Indonesia-Malaysia border region, given the challenges of cultural and religious diversity in the area. This research aims to explore the implementation of religious moderation education in strengthening character during the digital era, with a case study at MIS Nurul Yaqin Sijang. The study employed a qualitative approach with a descriptive case study method. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation, with respondents selected using (...)
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    Abū ʻAlī Miskavayh.ʻAlī Akbar Vilāyatī - 2011 - Tihrān: Shirkat-i Sahāmī-i Kitābʹhā-yi Jībī.
  3.  8
    ʻAyn al-Quz̤āt Hamadānī.ʻAlī Akbar Vilāyatī - 2011 - Tihrān: Shirkat-i Sahāmī-i Kitābhā-yi Jībī.
  4. Beyond cause and effect.Nityacaitanya Yati - 1976 - [Varkala: Narayana Gurukula.
    On HIndu philosophy; lecture delivered at Dellbrook, San Francisco.
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  5. Dvādaśavarṇṇakaṃ.Yāsudeva Yati & Ke Rāghavan Piḷḷa (eds.) - 1969
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  6. Irupattiyonnāṃ nūt̲t̲āṇṭilēkkȧ: lēkhana samāhāraṃ.Nityacaitanya Yati - 1996 - Mānantavāṭi, [Kerala]: Vitaraṇaṃ, Phīniks Bukkst̲t̲āḷ.
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  7. Indyā rājyatte nāśattilninnȧ nāśattilēkkȧ koṇṭupōkunna matavuṃ rāṣṭr̲īyavuṃ.Nityacaitanya Yati - 1996 - Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu: Nitya Books.
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  8. Laghuvāsudevamananam =.Vāsudeva Yati - 1969 - Matarās: Ciruṅkēri Śrī Jakatkuru Sanātan̲a Tarma Vityā Samiti. Edited by K. V. Cupparatn̲am.
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    Living the science of harmonious union: principles and practice of Patañjali's Yoga Śāstra.Nityacaitanya Yati - 2009 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld. Edited by Patañjali.
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    Maraṇamenna vātilinappur̲aṃ.Nityacaitanya Yati - 2002 - [Thrissur]: Gr̲īnbuks. Edited by Ṣaukkatt.
    Metaphysical articles on life and death, previously published in various journals.
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  11. Nārāyaṇaguruvint̲e ātmadarśanaṃ pr̲āyōgika jīvitattil.Nityacaitanya Yati - 1999 - Cochin: Chaitanya Books.
    On hundred hyms for use in meditation; includes commentaries presenting Dvaita and Advaita viewpoints as portrayed in Ātmōpadēśaśatakaṃ, by Narayana Guru (1856-1928), social reformer and Hindu religious leader from Kerala.
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  12. Pañcāvasthāvivēkaṃ: savyākhyānaṃ.Vāsudeva Yati - 1988 - Tiruvanantapuraṃ: Ōr̲iyant̲al R̲isarcc Inst̲it̲t̲yūṭṭ ānḍ Mānuskr̲ipt̲s Laibrar̲i, Kēraḷa Sarvvakalāśāla. Edited by Ār Girija.
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  13. Rōgaṃ bādhicca vaidyaraṅgaṃ.Nityacaitanya Yati - 1986 - Varkkala, Kēraḷaṃ: Nārāyaṇa Gurukuḷam.
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  14. R̥gōdaṃ śāstrādhiṣtitapaḍanam.Nityacaitanya Yati - 2001 - Varkkala: Nārayaṇa Gurukulaṃ.
    Philosophical interpretations of R̥gveda.
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  15. Samyag darśanaṃ.Nityacaitanya Yati - 1999 - Varkala: Narayana Gurukula.
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    That alone, the core of wisdom: a commentary on Ātmopadeśa śatakam, the one hundred verses of self-instruction of Narayana Gurru.Nityacaitanya Yati - 2002 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld. Edited by Narayana Guru.
    The Book Recounts 100 Darsanas Delving Into The Meaning Of The Atmopadesa Satakam One Hundred Verses Of Self-Instruction Of Narayana Guru To Present Insights Into The Essence Of Guru-Disciple Transmission. It Combines The Mystical Element With Scientific Rigour To Attempt A Total Transformation Of Consciousness In The Reader.
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  17. The psychology of Darśana mālā.Nityacaitanya Yati - 1987 - Varkala: Gurukula Pub. House. Edited by Narayana Guru.
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  18. Tattvamasi: tattvavuṃ anuṣṭhānavuṃ.Nityacaitanya Yati - 1988 - Kōṭṭayaṃ: Distributors, Current Books.
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  19. Vāsudevayatīśvarakr̥tam Laghuvāsudevamananam: Thāneśacandra Upretī kr̥ta Hindī bhāshānuvāda. Madhusūdanasarasvatīkr̥taḥ Siddhāntabinduḥ: sānuvāda.Vāsudeva Yati - 2002 - Vārāṇasī: Śrīdakshiṇāmūrti Maṭha Prakāśana. Edited by Maheshanand Giri, Thāneśacandra Upreti & Madhusūdana Sarasvatī.
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  20. Yōgaṃ enna sahajāvastha: dārśanika lēkhanaṅṅaḷ.Nityacaitanya Yati - 1999 - Tr̥śśūr: Kar̲ant̲ Buks.
    Collection of essays on Hindu religion, philosophy and metaphysics.
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  21. The problem of evil and the problem of God.Dewi Zephaniah Phillips - 2004 - London: SCM Press.
    "This book is D.Z. Phillips' systematic attempt to discuss the problem of evil. He argues that the problem is inextricably linked to our conception of God. In an effort to distinguish between logical and existential problems of evil, that inheritance offers us distorted accounts of God's omnipotence and will. In his interlude, Phillips argues that, as a result, God is ridiculed out of existence, and found unfit to plead before the bar of decency. However, Phillips elucidates a neglected tradition in (...)
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  22.  32
    Epistemic Injustice and Digital Disinformation: Addressing Knowledge Inequities in the Digital Age.Sugeng Sugeng, Annisa Fitria & Selam Bastomi - 2024 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 20 (1):134-168.
    This research scrutinizes the repercussions of digital disinformation on knowledge disparities and delves into strategies aimed at fostering epistemic justice. The examination of the findings will involve a comprehensive exploration of various ethical frameworks and theories. This analytical approach seeks to identify the underlying ethical issues that may be inherent in the results. Ethical frameworks provide a structured lens through which we can evaluate the implications of the findings on different stakeholders, ensuring a thorough understanding of potential ethical dilemmas. For (...)
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  23.  30
    Faith and Philosophical Enquiry.Dewi Zephaniah Phillips - 1970 - New York,: Routledge.
    The concern of this book is the nature of religious belief and the ways in which philosophical enquiry is related to it. Six chapters present the positive arguments the author wishes to put forward to discusses religion and rationality, scepticism about religion, language-games, belief and the loss of belief. The remaining chapters include criticisms of some contemporary philosophers of religion in the light of the earlier discussions, and the implications for more specific topics, such as religious education, are investigated. The (...)
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  24.  48
    Wittgenstein and religion.Dewi Zephaniah Phillips - 1993 - New York, N.Y.: St. Martin's Press.
    "This collection of essays explores Wittgenstein's significance for the philosophy of religion. Through a discussion of language-games, forms of life, and Wittgenstein's strictures against subliming the logic of our language, we are brought to see the importance of emphasising that to reflect on the reality of God is to reflect on a kind of reality. God's reality is a spiritual reality, something ignored in contemporary debates between realism and non-realism which pay little attention to concept-formation in religion." "These conceptual insights (...)
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  25.  47
    Philosophy's cool place.Dewi Zephaniah Phillips - 1999 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    Philosophical Authorship: The Posing of a Problem The nature of philosophy is itself a philosophical problem, a problem as old as philosophy. ...
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  26. Faith After Foundationalism.Dewi Zephaniah Phillips - 1988 - New York: Routledge.
    Foundationalism is the view that philosophical propositions are of two kinds, those which need supporting evidence, and those which in themselves provide the evidence which renders them irrefutable. This book, originally published 1988, describes the battle between foundationalism, which places belief in God in the first category, and various other approaches to the problem of faith – ‘Reformed Epistemology’, hermeneutics; and sociological analysis. In the concluding section of the book, an examination of concept formation in religious belief is used to (...)
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    Analisis Kesejahteraan Psikologis Karyawan dan Kualitas Interaksi Bawahan Berdasarkan Kepribadian Atasan.Nuri Sadida & Nurindah Fitria - 2018 - Humanitas 15 (1):72.
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    Belief, change, and forms of life.Dewi Zephaniah Phillips - 1986 - Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press.
  29.  14
    Interventions in Ethics.Dewi Zephaniah Phillips (ed.) - 1992 - State University of New York Press.
    This book contains essays, written between 1965 and 1990, which focus on the need to explore such issues as the nature of moral endeavor, the request for a justification of moral endeavor; the appeal to human flourishing; the nature of the ...
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    Recovering religious concepts: closing epistemic divides.Dewi Zephaniah Phillips - 2000 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    This collection of essays argues that we need to recover concepts from the distortions of philosophy. The author shows the disastrous consequences for an understanding of religion of the epistemic divide which can be found in contemporary philosophy of religion: divides between belief and practice, the world and God, religious experience and religious contexts. By closing these divides, religious significance is given its proper place.
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    J.R. Jones.Dewi Zephaniah Phillips - 1995 - Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
    In a presidential speech to philosophers, J. R. Jones addressed the question, 'How do I know who I am?' But how do we know who he was? Different audiences will give different answers. Those who know only his philosophical writings in English will give one kind answer, while those who knew him as an inspirational speaker and leader in the fight to preserve and sustain the Welsh language and its culture, and as a troubler of theological waters, will give a (...)
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  32.  12
    Can religion be explained away?Dewi Zephaniah Phillips (ed.) - 1996 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    As the century draws to its close, how should we think of religion? Some see it as the survival in our midst of an outmoded, primitive way of thinking, while others accuse its critics of simply being blind to the meaning of religious belief. From a different perspective, the clash between belief and unbelief is not seen as a matter of identifying incoherent systems of thought, but as a clash between different demands made on us by divergent ways of looking (...)
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  33.  17
    Redefining the Status of Philosophical Statements.Dewi Trebaul - 2024 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 61 (1):94-105.
    In his foreword to the Philosophical papers by Hans Hahn, Karl Menger mentions a controversy about the possibility or impossibility to speak about language within the Vienna Circle in the early 1930’s. He then adds: “Waismann proclaimed that one could not speak about language. Hahn took strong exception to this view. Why should one not – if perhaps in a higher-level language – speak about language? To which Waismann replied essentially that this would not fit into the texture of Wittgenstein’s (...)
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  34.  22
    A qualitative study on patients' selection in the scarcity of resources in the COVID‐19 pandemic in a communal culture.Ervin Dyah Ayu Masita Dewi, Lara Matter, Astrid Pratidina Susilo & Anja Krumeich - 2025 - Developing World Bioethics 25 (1):71-79.
    The scarcity of resources during the COVID‐19 pandemic caused ethical dilemmas in prioritizing patients for treatment. Medical and ethical guidance only emphasizes clinical procedures but does not consider the sociocultural aspect. This study explored the perception of former COVID‐19 patients and their families on the decision‐making process of the patient's selection at a time of scarcity of resources. The result will inform the development of an ethical guide for allocating scarce resources that aligns with Indonesian culture. We conducted qualitative research (...)
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  35. Hubungan persepsi terhadap dukungan suami Dan penyesuaian diri istri pada kehamilan anak pertama.Santhy Dewi Karanina & P. Tommy Y. S. Suyasa - 2010 - Phronesis (Misc) 7 (1).
    : The aim of this research is not to know the relationship between support from husband to their wife at the first parturition and self adjustment. Subjects in this research are 100 pregnant mothers of first child which live in Tangerang. The result is strong positive correlation between support from husband and self adjustment at the first pregnancy.
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    Regulating The Marketing and Supply of Tourist Accommodation Services Through a Healthy and Fair Digital Platform.Ni Made Trisna Dewi, Ida Bagus Wyasa Putra, Ni Nengah Adiyaryani & I. Gusti Ngurah Parikesit Widiatedja - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:673-679.
    This article focuses on analyzing and identifying the characteristics of losses arising from the marketing and supply of digital tourist accommodation services based on the business competition law system in Indonesia and on the formulation of marketing and supply arrangements for digital tourist accommodation services that are healthy and fair for all tourism accommodation service business actors. normative research methods used in this research, with primary legal materials in the form of laws and regulations related to monopolistic practices and unfair (...)
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  37.  28
    From fantasy to faith.Dewi Zephaniah Phillips - 1991 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    Is religion necessarily a form of fantasy, a superstitious childishness we should have put aside by now? If so, what takes the place of empty heaven? May idle dreams threaten secular moralities as much as they threaten religion ? If so, are there authentic forms of religion as well as authentic forms of morality which transcend these threats? He takes us on a journey from religion conceived as a 'somewhere over the rainbow, ' to possibilities of living under a sacramental (...)
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  38.  49
    Do moral considerations override others?Dewi Phillips - 1979 - Philosophical Quarterly 29 (116):247-254.
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    Indonesia as the Best Halal Tourism Destination and its Impacts to Muslim’s Travelers Visit.Dewi Astuti & Suhadi - 2021 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 1 (3):43-50.
    The article described at first conceptual of halal tourism which is based on Islamic Shariah. Second, analyses of halal tourism effectiveness practically. Third, research of Indonesia as biggest Muslim populations in the world provide and serve halal tourism. To research this thing authors used a descriptive analytical research method coupled with literacy techniques. As a summary that halal tourism is growing fast in Indonesia with some special advantages and efforts actually. Evidently, Indonesia has been selected as the best halal tourism (...)
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    Automatization through Practice: The Opportunistic‐Stopping Phenomenon Called into Question.Jasinta D. M. Dewi, Jeanne Bagnoud & Catherine Thevenot - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (12):e13074.
    As a theory of skill acquisition, the instance theory of automatization posits that, after a period of training, algorithm‐based performance is replaced by retrieval‐based performance. This theory has been tested using alphabet‐arithmetic verification tasks (e.g., is A + 4 = E?), in which the equations are necessarily solved by counting at the beginning of practice but can be solved by memory retrieval after practice. A way to infer individuals’ strategies in this task was supposedly provided by the opportunistic‐stopping phenomenon, according (...)
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    Charles Peirce and firstness: The category of origins.Amalia Nurma Dewi, Torkild Thellefsen & Bent Sørensen - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (235):63-73.
    Peirce’s category of Firstness is first and fundamental. Without Firstness, we can say, nothing can (later) be – no time, no space, no things, no processes, no growth, no regularities, and no thoughts – hence, nothing of which we can ever conceive. However, despite the fundamentality of Peirce’s category of Firstness, we still do not believe that it has received the attention that it rightly deserves; not by Peirce himself, nor by his commentators. In the following we will, therefore, look (...)
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    Developing halal consumer behavior and tourism studies: Recommendations for Indonesia and Spain.Citra Kusuma Dewi, Mahir Pradana, Rubén Huertas-García, Nurafni Rubiyanti & Syarifuddin Syarifuddin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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  43. Humanisme dan refleksi dalam pengajaran sastra di era multimedia.Novita Dewi - 2018 - In F. Wawan Setyadi & A. Sudiarja, Meluhurkan kemanusiaan: kumpulan esai untuk A. Sudiarja. Jakarta: Penerbit Buku Kompas.
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    Peirce, Aristotle, metaphor – and comments to Factor.Amalia Nurma Dewi, Torkild Thellefsen & Bent Sørensen - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (235):51-61.
    Charles Peirce provided a few, but interesting we believe, remarks about metaphor. Aristotle on the other hand developed a theory of metaphor that, to this day has been, and still is, influential (even though his theory, especially within recent years, also has been heavily criticized, e.g., by Lakoff, George & Mark Johnson. 1980. Metaphors we live by. Chicago: Chicago University Press). Factor, Lance R. 1996. Peirce’s definition of metaphor and its consequences. In Vincent Colapietro & Thomas Olshewsky (eds.), Peirce’s doctrine (...)
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  45. Response to M. Vicentini's “comment on the article 'studying conceptual change in learning physics'”.Dewy I. Dykstra, C. Franklin Boyle & Ira A. Monarch - 1993 - Science Education 77 (6):717-723.
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  46. Brand image cafe X: Cermin kepuasan konsumen.Dewi Novita & P. Tommy Y. S. Suyasa - 2012 - Phronesis (Misc) 11 (1).
    The purpose of this research is to describe the brand image and consumer satisfaction of X Cafe. In addition, this research also describes the difference brand image perceived by satisfied customers and unsatisfied customers. Subject of this research contained 100 persons which included male and female. The data was analyzed using multivariate method with support from SPSS. The result of this research shows that the average score of X Cafe customer satisfaction is under satisfied score due to some unfulfilled hopes (...)
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    The quest for the function of simple epithelial keratins.Dewi W. Owens & E. Birgitte Lane - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (8):748-758.
    Simple epithelial keratins K8 and K18 are components of the intracellular cytoskeleton in the cells of the single‐layered sheet tissues inside the body. As members of the intermediate filament family of proteins, their function has been a matter for debate since they were first discovered. Whilst there is an indisputable case for a structural cell‐reinforcing function for keratins in the mutilayered squamous epithelia of external barrier tissues, some very different stress‐protective features now seem to be emerging for the simple epithelial (...)
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  48.  15
    Religion and understanding.Dewi Zephaniah Phillips - 1967 - Oxford,: Blackwell.
  49.  10
    Religion without transcendence?Dewi Zephaniah Phillips & Timothy Tessin (eds.) - 1997 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    What can transcendence mean for us? We live in a world in which there are many conceptions of transcendence. Some philosophers say that they all point, in their way, to a transcendent realm, without which death and life's sorrows have the last word, while their opponents argue that since this realm is an illusion, we must use our own resources to meet life's trials. Others argue that moral and religious concepts of transcendence are obscured by philosophical notions of transcendence, and (...)
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  50.  12
    The possibilities of sense.Dewi Zephaniah Phillips & John H. Whittaker (eds.) - 2002 - New York: Palgrave.
    Remarkable in the range that it covers, The Possibilities of Sense testifies to an equally remarkable philosopher. In essays on ethics and thephilosophy of religion, on literature and education, the contributors displaynot only the breadth of D.Z. Phillips's work but also its power. This powercomes largely from Ludwig Wittgenstein, whose significance as a moral and religious philosopher rivals his reputation as a philosopher of language.
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